Thursday, September 20, 2012

I believe

Erin is hosting an awesome link up so I thought I would join in :)

I believe in Family forever blood is thinking then water...

I believe in treating others how you would like to be treated...

I believe in making to do lists and then not following them...

I believe in working hard to achieve what you want in life..

I believe in Pit Bulls...punish the deed not the breed

I believe once you love you always will...

I believe in the happy ending...

I believe that sometimes you need a good cry...

I believe that music is good for the soul and so are puppy kisses..

I believe in saying what you mean and meaning what you say.....

I believe in giving hugs every chance you get

I believe in OSU pride and I show it

I believe in every one of these girls and love watching them go from elementary school to adults

I believe in following your dreams and pushing through the challenges....

I believe the with hope anything can happen....

I believe that everyone has their right to believe what they want and who are you to tell them that your thoughts are more right then theirs....

I believe that Mac n Cheese should be part of your food group everyday!!!

I believe that you should dance and sing everyday and it should be enough to lose all the fat you need to lose :)

I believe in traveling as much as you can...

and most of all I believe in being who you are and not caring what others think!

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