Pile of trash at the end of the night
The company I work for sponsors our local Oktoberfest, and b/c I love to work I always spend my entire weekend their once a year. Normally we have a nice big truck that has a lift that you press the magic button and it goes up and down. Along with a ride for
me I mean the little ones that comes to visit me it also makes it so much easier to drag the beer out of the truck. I know that I'm heavier then I want to be but I'm still a girl. And a girl that is very clumsy. Needless to say I was tripping all over myself getting up and down all weekend. Maybe it was a cruel joke to see if I would make through the weekend in one piece..... Along with almost breaking my neck several times we had a mini wind storm Saturday afternoon that brought this baby pictured below right down in front of our faces. Signs from above that I should just sit down and not move in fear of being stabbed by falling branches? I mean it sounded reasonable to me :) As I'm sure every other sane person of the world would feel the same way! Needless to say I trucked on unlike my counterpart boy who seemed very scared jk

I love fall and the festivals and this Oktoberfest didn't let me done. With all the crappy food I wanted to eat and maybe a beer or two the weekend was a complete success!
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