Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday Letters

Dear Dance Team- You are coming to a close and this has been a great season and I'm said to be losing so many of my dancers to Jrs. next year.  As we head to KY tomorrow for State/Nationals I can only hope for a wonderful weekend full of 1st places :)

Dear Sweet Olivia-  You are on your way to Kansas City right now for you Nationals and I so wish I could have come!   I know GG was suppose to be there too but I know she will be watching from Heaven and cheering you on!  Keep up your winning season I know you guys can do it! GO TOPS

Dear Mom and Dad- Please travel safe to Kansas City and have fun you deserve it!

Dear Tankers- Mommy is leaving you again this weekend but I would take you with me in 2.5 seconds if I could!

Dear Crush- Stop worrying about what happened in the past and just let things happen.

Dear Ex- Please repeat this to yourself "I broke up with her" and then get over that I am now at peace with this and don't need to put up with the mean things you say..... thank you.

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