RIP My sweet Love
Friday, November 2, 2012
Friday Letters
Dear DC, Thanks for being a good time despite the long drive home when our flight was canceled! Dear Frankenstorm, You suck!!! My hearts go out to everyone that was affected by you and I wish you had never shown up! Dear Balentine, I love that I get to talk to you more often lately! I can't wait to see you in a week exactly! Dear Six, Its been a little over a week since you have been gone and I still look for you everytime I get home and every morning. I miss you like crazy but I know that you are not in pain anymore and I'm thankful for that. Dear Tank, Im sorry your sad, mommy is too.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
#6 of Thirty Things
#6 of thirty things I think is the hardest so far.... what is the hardest thing you have been through?
If you know me you know for the most part my life has been pretty easy. My parents are still together, both my sisters are alive and healthy. I have had normal ups and downs and loves and break ups. But when I was 17 I lost one of my really good friends. Its not the loss that still haunts me. People lose loved ones all the time. Its the way life works. But this friend was killed. Something you never think will happen to you or someone you know. She was shot. Twice to be exact. Two doors down from where I lived. 30 minutes after I talked to her on the phone. Shot by a man that I had sat next to at a dinner table. To say it was hard is probably far from the truth. It was awful. It changed the lives of so many people close to me. It left two wonderful kids motherless and fatherless. It was selfish and an act of violence that was just not needed.
I remember the day like it was yesterday I have a feeling I will always remember that day. We had a late night the night before. We were young and having fun she had left him the week before. I always remember thinking FINALLY. You see he was very abusive and I was just glad she had a chance again. To be happy to find real love to just live. Her son was 2 at the time and if I remember right her daughter was 6 I believe. Along with her mom and dad and my parents and my sister and I we had been tag teaming watching the kids and finding her a job and a place to live. At night her and I would go out with my then boyfriend and just dance the night away. We knew her ex had been following us around the whole week he would call her and tell her where we were what we had done, etc. She kept telling me that he would kill her before he let her go. I remember saying that was crazy that yes he was crazy but not that crazy. I was wrong. It was a Friday I had woke up late for work I remember she came down and did my hair while I did my make up. We gossiped about the night before and I was able to tell her that said boyfriend of mine had told me he loved me. Then I went to work. That night was football Friday at the high school. My sister was still on the dance team so we were all going. I called her (my friend) to tell her I was going to go get my nails done and then I would be home. I remember her telling me that was a waste of time and to hurry. The whole time I was there getting my nails done I had a feeling something was wrong. I had left my phone in the car so I kept telling the man that I needed to go get it. He kept telling me to hold on he would be done soon. Looking back going to get my nails done kept me away from the danger that was at home without even knowing. I rushed over to my car when I got done dug my phone out of the bottom of my purse to find 25 missed calls. My heart sunk. I knew something was wrong. I had three voice mails all from my dad. The first telling me to stay clear of anywhere I had been that week to go somewhere and stay until I was called back. The second to come home but go straight inside that he would be at the door waiting for me. and the third to tell me she was shot to please pick up the phone and please come home that he was still at large and they were worried sick. I came home to find my dad in the drive way waiting on me and police everywhere. I got out of the car and went straight for the house she was staying at my dad grabbed me and just shook his head no, no meaning she didn't make it she was in fact gone. I remember falling to my knees how could this be I had just talked to her. The next few days were a blur. We were able to go the ER and say our goodbyes she was lifeless and bloody and sometimes I wish I had never seen her that way. I went back to get her children so the priest could assistance their now grandparents in telling them they were motherless and soon to find out fatherless. I remember the daughter asking me if her mom would be better by Monday to do her hair for school and trying to keep it together to not let on the horror that was about to be her reality.
We would find out hours lately that he (her ex) had ran to the police station and shot himself in front of a volunteer. In my opinion death was to good for him. But at least the evil that consumed him is not here to consume anyone else.
Monday, October 8, 2012
#5 of Thirty Things
Today's question.... Name 5 things that make you happy right now......
1. My family being alive and healthy is def my number 1. After losing GG this year out of no where it really makes you think. Letting go of the little things in life and just trying to be happy b/c you never know when someone you think will be around for a while will be gone with out a goodbye.
2. My puppies. No matter what kind of day I have being greeted at the door by two wagging days makes life seem better
3. Being in the position to not be living pay check to pay check and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Knowing that I may be tired but it will all work out in the end.
4. That my trip to DC is only two weeks away! FOUR whole days with no work! Unheard of for me :) I intend to enjoy ever waking minute of it.
5. My Friends.... I have a lot of people I know and would call my friends but there are a few that are always there for me and I love so dearly. They don't care that I can't hang out as much b/c they know I have to work
Saturday, October 6, 2012
10 Things I would tell my 16 yr old self
#4 is my fav so far! 10 things I would tell my 16 yr old self!
1. Life is short. You will lose people sooner then you think enjoy the time you have.
2. Don't be in a hurry to grow up, trust me that can wait
3. Love your parents they need you and they do things that they think are best for you
4. Go away for school you will be FINE
5. Don't be so needy of having a man in your life, the ones you will chose up until now will not the "forevers" anyway
6. Be a good person don't let the hate of others weigh you down.
7. Don't be so nervous things have a way of working out I promise
8. Don't drink so much in your early 20's it will cost you some friendships that are dear to your heart.
9. Follow #8 but make sure you still have as much fun! The things you learn in those years make you who you are today
10. Most of all always say what you mean and mean what you say. Don't say things that you wouldn't want to be said back to a person without you being the person to say it to them. Be sure to always be upfront and honest. Like your momma taught you "honesty is always the policy"
Friday, October 5, 2012
Thirty Things and Friday Letters
So not realizing it I answered my #3 question yesterday within my number #2 question which you can find here Biggest Fear. So I decided to do an edition of Friday Letters :)
Dear Week, You have been a struggle but as always I will make it through and beat you at our own game.
Dear Knock Off Flea Meds, I get it I tried to save a buck and you caused an allergic reaction on Tank's back to the point he has scratched himself raw :(
Dear Tank, I'm sorry for the above.
Dear Ex, I believe my room mate hit the nail on the head by telling you your heart is man made and you thrive to get a rise out of people and their misery. I feel for you that more then not people think this way of you but you are the one that continues to prove them right. Be the person that you could be and care for others. You are fortunate to have things provided for you that others have to work hard at. Appreciate it.
Dear People in general, be kind to each other its not that hard I promise. I also promise the more you do this the better you will feel.
Dear Week, You have been a struggle but as always I will make it through and beat you at our own game.
Dear Knock Off Flea Meds, I get it I tried to save a buck and you caused an allergic reaction on Tank's back to the point he has scratched himself raw :(
Dear Tank, I'm sorry for the above.
Dear Ex, I believe my room mate hit the nail on the head by telling you your heart is man made and you thrive to get a rise out of people and their misery. I feel for you that more then not people think this way of you but you are the one that continues to prove them right. Be the person that you could be and care for others. You are fortunate to have things provided for you that others have to work hard at. Appreciate it.
Dear People in general, be kind to each other its not that hard I promise. I also promise the more you do this the better you will feel.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Thirty Things #2
#2 List 3 legitimate fears and how they came about?
1. My biggest fear losing my parents. I know that it will happen and I know that there is nothing I can do about it. However when my mother turn 50 I had a panic attack. I legit freaked out, stupid I know b/c its not like 50 is even old these days. If you have known me for a while you will know that my parents rock. Through high school my house was filled with kids that would hang out with my mom when I was even out of town. I moved on my own when I was 21 however ended up buying a condo smack in the same place I grew up since we moved to the states two door down. For the past five years until last October I lived next door to my parents. Some would die if they were that close but for me it was great. It makes me sad to watch it sit empty and not be able to see them everyday b/c I work to much but they are still the most important people in my life.
2. My 2nd fear is falling down and hitting my head. Mostly falling down stairs backwards. I'm not sure where this came from besides that I always fall down or hurt myself somehow. NOW this my not be a legitimate fear but I do feel like this is in my own little head practical :)
3. My 3rd fear is not being fully happy with my life and choices when I'm old and look back at them. I'm proud of who I am and that I like to think positive and let the bad part of people not get the best of me. I know I should probably hold more grudges (lets be honest even if you screw me over seven times I will still see the good in you) I like to think that Karma will do the dirty work so why should I waste my energy in trying to stoop to your level? I guess this fear came about b/c I watch people around me recieve things they want and either not be deserving of them or still complain about it. I fear I will continue to work hard my whole life without reaching the goals I'm after.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
My Favorite time of the year!
Good Morning! I was suppose to write #2 for the Thirty but instead I'm linking up with the Wonderful Erin from Living in Yellow for this fun Ornament Swap :)
Here’s how it works.
Step 1. Sign up.
Link up your blog below to let us know you want to participate in the swap.
Sign ups close at Midnight on October 31st.
Step 2. Spread the word.
Everyone loves getting special deliveries in the mail. Especially when it’s a super festive item like an ornament for your holiday tree. So let all of your blog friends know about the swap. The more, the merrier.
Step 3. Get your match.
On Thursday, November 1st, we will post the swap matches. You will contact the blogger you’re buying for via their blog, email, twitter, facebook, etc. to get their address.
Step 4. Shop and Mail.
On or before November 12th, purchase and mail your ornament. This means your ornament should be en route to its recipient NO LATER THAN the 12th.
Step 5. Receive & Blog about your ornament!
This is the fun part! Blog, Instagram, Tweet your Ornament Swapping Adventure. Be sure and use #ornamentswap on Instagram & Twitter so other Swappers can find you!
Step 6. Link up!
We will be hosting a Linky Party on December 1st for those of you bloggers that want to link up your posts! (This gives you plenty of time to make sure your ornament arrives & recap your adventures.)
That is it.
It's pretty simple.
Sign up & send.
Now, I know people may have a few more questions about the details, so here are some additional things you should know.
1. You should spend between $4-$14 on your ornament.
2. Ornaments should be new, as no one wants any “gently used” tree decorations.
3. The ornament you purchase should be something fun, quirky, or beautiful that you’d like to receive and that you will be proud of when it is associated with you and your blog.
4. You can purchase ornaments from anywhere. Like these handmades from Etsy or unique ornaments from Pier One or Target.
5. You will not be sending and receiving to the same person. Technically you aren't "swapping", more like a daisy chain of ornaments will be flying through the skies via the postal service. You will send to one person and receive from someone else. This way you get to know at least two people!
6. Be sure to package your ornament in bubble wrap to ensure it arrives safely. Getting a broken ornament is no fun at all.
7. Please do not sign up unless you are 100% sure you can fulfill the swap requirements, we would hate for someone to sign up and not participate.
Now make sure you head on on over to Erin's blog and sign up to join the fun!
Here’s how it works.
Step 1. Sign up.
Link up your blog below to let us know you want to participate in the swap.
Sign ups close at Midnight on October 31st.
Step 2. Spread the word.
Everyone loves getting special deliveries in the mail. Especially when it’s a super festive item like an ornament for your holiday tree. So let all of your blog friends know about the swap. The more, the merrier.
Step 3. Get your match.
On Thursday, November 1st, we will post the swap matches. You will contact the blogger you’re buying for via their blog, email, twitter, facebook, etc. to get their address.
Step 4. Shop and Mail.
On or before November 12th, purchase and mail your ornament. This means your ornament should be en route to its recipient NO LATER THAN the 12th.
Step 5. Receive & Blog about your ornament!
This is the fun part! Blog, Instagram, Tweet your Ornament Swapping Adventure. Be sure and use #ornamentswap on Instagram & Twitter so other Swappers can find you!
Step 6. Link up!
We will be hosting a Linky Party on December 1st for those of you bloggers that want to link up your posts! (This gives you plenty of time to make sure your ornament arrives & recap your adventures.)
That is it.
It's pretty simple.
Sign up & send.
Now, I know people may have a few more questions about the details, so here are some additional things you should know.
1. You should spend between $4-$14 on your ornament.
2. Ornaments should be new, as no one wants any “gently used” tree decorations.
3. The ornament you purchase should be something fun, quirky, or beautiful that you’d like to receive and that you will be proud of when it is associated with you and your blog.
4. You can purchase ornaments from anywhere. Like these handmades from Etsy or unique ornaments from Pier One or Target.
5. You will not be sending and receiving to the same person. Technically you aren't "swapping", more like a daisy chain of ornaments will be flying through the skies via the postal service. You will send to one person and receive from someone else. This way you get to know at least two people!
6. Be sure to package your ornament in bubble wrap to ensure it arrives safely. Getting a broken ornament is no fun at all.
7. Please do not sign up unless you are 100% sure you can fulfill the swap requirements, we would hate for someone to sign up and not participate.
Now make sure you head on on over to Erin's blog and sign up to join the fun!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
30 Things
I found this posting this AM at Hopes and Dreams and thought it would be fun thing to join in on :)
So throughout this month you will be getting to know me a little better as I answer these questions :)
1. List 20 random facts about yourself.
2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.
3. Describe your relationship with your parents.
4. List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.
5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?
6. What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?
7. What is your dream job, and why?
8. What are 5 passions you have?
9. List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.
10. Describe your most embarrassing moment.
11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have.
12. Describe a typical day in your current life.
13. Describe 5 weaknesses you have.
14. Describe 5 strengths you have.
15. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
16. What are your 5 greatest accomplishments?
17. What is the thing you most wish you were great at?
18. What has been the most difficult thing you have had to forgive?
19. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
20. Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.
21. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first?
22. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?
23. List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them.
24. Describe your family dynamic of your childhood vs. your family dynamic now.
25. If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat?
26. What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong?
27. What is your favorite part of your body and why?
28. What is your love language?
29. What do you think people misunderstand most about you?
30. List 10 things you would hope to be remembered for.
Question 1.
20 Random facts about myself
1. I live for dogs. I must stop and pet every dog I come in contact with. I think they are the definition of unconditionally love.
2. I check my bank account at least four times a day.
3. I hate to hang clothes at home but at work I would hang all day if you let me get away without folding.
4. I have a fear of ants.
5. I always dream big and have a problem following through
6. I have two sisters. One older and one younger
7. I have 8 nieces and nephews only 2 of the 8 being nephews
8. I still feel like my grandma is alive and random have panic attacks when I remember she isn't
9. I work two jobs plus a dance team and still feel bored sometimes
10. I love no matter what
11. I have two fur babies and love them both even though they are both very different
12. I love fall T.V. however any other season don't really care to watch anything
13. My parents have been married all my life for that I feel blessed
14. I have a family that will stick by you no matter what and will always let you know its OK when you screw up
15. I always have my cell phone on me no matter what
16. I have permanent eyeliner
17. I'm a forever friend even if you fail at being a good friend I'm always there
18. I own a condo
19. I'm going back to school in January for real estate
20. I have many scars from falling b/c I can't seem to stay on my two feet to save my life.
So throughout this month you will be getting to know me a little better as I answer these questions :)
1. List 20 random facts about yourself.
2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.
3. Describe your relationship with your parents.
4. List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.
5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?
6. What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?
7. What is your dream job, and why?
8. What are 5 passions you have?
9. List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.
10. Describe your most embarrassing moment.
11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have.
12. Describe a typical day in your current life.
13. Describe 5 weaknesses you have.
14. Describe 5 strengths you have.
15. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
16. What are your 5 greatest accomplishments?
17. What is the thing you most wish you were great at?
18. What has been the most difficult thing you have had to forgive?
19. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
20. Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.
21. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first?
22. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?
23. List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them.
24. Describe your family dynamic of your childhood vs. your family dynamic now.
25. If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat?
26. What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong?
27. What is your favorite part of your body and why?
28. What is your love language?
29. What do you think people misunderstand most about you?
30. List 10 things you would hope to be remembered for.
Question 1.
20 Random facts about myself
1. I live for dogs. I must stop and pet every dog I come in contact with. I think they are the definition of unconditionally love.
2. I check my bank account at least four times a day.
3. I hate to hang clothes at home but at work I would hang all day if you let me get away without folding.
4. I have a fear of ants.
5. I always dream big and have a problem following through
6. I have two sisters. One older and one younger
7. I have 8 nieces and nephews only 2 of the 8 being nephews
8. I still feel like my grandma is alive and random have panic attacks when I remember she isn't
9. I work two jobs plus a dance team and still feel bored sometimes
10. I love no matter what
11. I have two fur babies and love them both even though they are both very different
12. I love fall T.V. however any other season don't really care to watch anything
13. My parents have been married all my life for that I feel blessed
14. I have a family that will stick by you no matter what and will always let you know its OK when you screw up
15. I always have my cell phone on me no matter what
16. I have permanent eyeliner
17. I'm a forever friend even if you fail at being a good friend I'm always there
18. I own a condo
19. I'm going back to school in January for real estate
20. I have many scars from falling b/c I can't seem to stay on my two feet to save my life.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Pay it forward
Instead of doing Friday Letters I'm linking up with this pretty lady for the Pay it Forward Link up Katie
Pay it forward
Within a year I’ll create something unique to share with the first three people to comment on this post.
But, in order to receive your present you have to play along. Spread the love on your own blog promising to send a little special something to the first three people who comment on your post.
You get 72 hours (that's 3 days people) to re-post, or I’ll have to move on to the next person.
Please only comment if you’re willing to pay it forward!
I think this is a great idea! Who doesn't love to receive a nice little surprise in the mail from a blog friend, and it is always good to share the love. That was an incredibly awkward sentence, but ya' get where I'm going!
So comment if you are interested, and I will contact you so we can get this set up!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
A Lot of Trash and Some Beer Please
Pile of trash at the end of the night
The company I work for sponsors our local Oktoberfest, and b/c I love to work I always spend my entire weekend their once a year. Normally we have a nice big truck that has a lift that you press the magic button and it goes up and down. Along with a ride for
I love fall and the festivals and this Oktoberfest didn't let me done. With all the crappy food I wanted to eat and maybe a beer or two the weekend was a complete success!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
So WHat Wednesday!
- So what if I loved having a night last night to myself even though I had a million things to do I didn't have to work and that was nice. I got to run errands for dance, myself and Christmas. I only ended up buying things for myself!
- So what if I hired someone to clean my house! No I'm not rich by any means I just work way to much and can't keep up with it and I'm tired of it being dirty!
- So what if I generally don't like people right now. All the politics and selfishness really just get to me sometimes. This to shall pass but for right now I would rather hang out with your dog (if you have one ;) )
- So what if speaking of dogs I read my "wish list" for our office gift exchange out loud and the only part that didn't mention a dog was the food category!
- So what if I would rather be wrapped up in the covers with the sweet heating blanket Linda is letting me use!
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Friday, September 21, 2012
Friday Letters
Dear Work, You have been kicking my butt lately with your 72 hrs I put in last week between the two of you.... I'm tired yes very tired. Can I have a break soon.....please!
Dear Fur babies, From the letter above you can tell I haven't been a very good mommy. I know that you are taken care of and that you are happy but I know the best time is with me, its when we are the happiest.( atleast I think so lol ) And because of that I will be just staying home tonight and not going to the super fun Oktoberfest Preview.... I love you too :)
Dear Oktoberfest, I will not be joining you for fun tonight however I will be there working ALL day Saturday and Sunday so I can still enjoy your food and crafts don't you worry your pretty little head!
Dear Bank Account and Bills, We seem to be coming to an agreement and I like it :) Its been a long time since I have been making progress so lets keep it going!
Dear DP&L, You SUCK and I hate you and if you were a person I would slap you! I have paid you every month for over 9 years and NOW you want a deposit.... I think not sorry but no no no no!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
I believe
Erin is hosting an awesome link up so I thought I would join in :)
I believe in Family forever blood is thinking then water...
I believe in treating others how you would like to be treated...
I believe in making to do lists and then not following them...
I believe in working hard to achieve what you want in life..
I believe in Pit Bulls...punish the deed not the breed
I believe once you love you always will...
I believe in the happy ending...
I believe that sometimes you need a good cry...
I believe that music is good for the soul and so are puppy kisses..
I believe in saying what you mean and meaning what you say.....
I believe in giving hugs every chance you get
I believe in OSU pride and I show it
I believe in every one of these girls and love watching them go from elementary school to adults
I believe in following your dreams and pushing through the challenges....
I believe the with hope anything can happen....
I believe that everyone has their right to believe what they want and who are you to tell them that your thoughts are more right then theirs....
I believe that Mac n Cheese should be part of your food group everyday!!!
I believe that you should dance and sing everyday and it should be enough to lose all the fat you need to lose :)
I believe in traveling as much as you can...
and most of all I believe in being who you are and not caring what others think!
Friday, August 31, 2012
Friday Letters
Dear Robyn,
Thank you for tricking me into running Wednesday night. Even though I'm sore and have a blood blister at the end of my toe it was much needed and I love you ;)
Dear Fall,
I heart you and love that its almost that time of year! I can't wait to go to every haunted hayride possible!
Dear Fur-babies,
I love you two so much! Six mommy is sorry you are in so much pain.
Dear Closets,
I hate you and I know that I need to tackle you can clean you out but i just can't get the courage to take on such a chore.
Dear Saturday,
Hurry up and come and then go very slow! I plan to sleep in, run, and OSU FOOTBALL it up! Go Bucks :)
Thank you for tricking me into running Wednesday night. Even though I'm sore and have a blood blister at the end of my toe it was much needed and I love you ;)
Dear Fall,
I heart you and love that its almost that time of year! I can't wait to go to every haunted hayride possible!
Dear Fur-babies,
I love you two so much! Six mommy is sorry you are in so much pain.
Dear Closets,
I hate you and I know that I need to tackle you can clean you out but i just can't get the courage to take on such a chore.
Dear Saturday,
Hurry up and come and then go very slow! I plan to sleep in, run, and OSU FOOTBALL it up! Go Bucks :)
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
So What!.....
- So what if I enjoyed every minute of my pamper afternoon yesterday and didn't regret it one bit!
- So what if I check my bank account three times a day like it is going to change?!?!?!? Hey you never know when someone might secretly deposit thousands of dollars right :)
- So what if I am supposed to clean out my closets tonight but feel like doing absolutely nothing instead!
- So what if sometimes I just want to slap people silly but smile instead. In the end it makes me the better person.... at least I want to think that.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Pampering and The List
Some people think facials and getting your nails and hair done are just material things that are a waste of money. To me they are necessary. Sometimes you just feel in the dumps. As you know from this post schedules-bills-and-pups that has been me the last week or so. A change is sometimes necessary and sometimes you can't change something major but you can cut your hair or get a relaxing spa treatment! And that is exactly what I'm doing after work today! Soooooo beyond needed and sooooo beyond excited!
And I have been seeing "the list" going around and thought it would be fun to share a few of mine!
And I have been seeing "the list" going around and thought it would be fun to share a few of mine!
Here is some of my bucket list :)
Monday, August 27, 2012
Schedules, bills and pups
Trying to get organized and not be a procrastinator is not as easy as you would think! I am really good at waiting til the last minute on things and really bad at writing it down and just doing it right then! Backwards is what I am good at .... wait maybe that is why I'm dyslexic!
I have been trying to get so much better at it and while its slowly happening I have times when I become extremely frustrated with myself and just want to quit. One of my goals is to not eat out and cook more at home. With that I feel like I have been eating more and with that I feel like I'm not losing weight which is another goal. Maybe I am just trying to do one to many things at a time. One thing that I started last week seems to be helping so I thought I would share.
I take a blank piece of paper and write two sections.
1. My to do list for the week.
2. My goals.
I fold it up and put it in my wallet and it makes me feel a little more accountable. It also makes you feel nice when you can check something off :)
With only having one day off I didn't really accomplish everything I could have done yesterday and maybe that is why I'm feeling a little off today. But instead I took a little time to myself in the morning and curled up next door, since I discovered AT&T does not carry the Hallmark channel boo, and watched a feel good movie :) And also was joined by these too..... they love lazy days
I have been trying to get so much better at it and while its slowly happening I have times when I become extremely frustrated with myself and just want to quit. One of my goals is to not eat out and cook more at home. With that I feel like I have been eating more and with that I feel like I'm not losing weight which is another goal. Maybe I am just trying to do one to many things at a time. One thing that I started last week seems to be helping so I thought I would share.
I take a blank piece of paper and write two sections.
1. My to do list for the week.
2. My goals.
I fold it up and put it in my wallet and it makes me feel a little more accountable. It also makes you feel nice when you can check something off :)
With only having one day off I didn't really accomplish everything I could have done yesterday and maybe that is why I'm feeling a little off today. But instead I took a little time to myself in the morning and curled up next door, since I discovered AT&T does not carry the Hallmark channel boo, and watched a feel good movie :) And also was joined by these too..... they love lazy days
Friday, August 24, 2012
Friday Letter's
Dear Weekend,
You are not much of a weekend this weekend but I intend to soak up Sunday with all I have by laying by the pool and frying!
Dear Next week,
I can't wait for you! I'm so excited to get a facial and get my White Trash hair did!!!!!!
Dear next two weeks,
I think you are going to be GREAT and relaxing and I intend to enjoy your peace and quiet to the max!
Dear Mean Girls,
You gave me the stinky eye all night..... do I even know you??? If you want to sit there and stare and talk to about me next time come on over and I will be more then happy to join in. Please and thank you.
Dear Carvers,
I'm glad we reconnected last night I had a blast and will be back shortly ;)
You are not much of a weekend this weekend but I intend to soak up Sunday with all I have by laying by the pool and frying!
Dear Next week,
I can't wait for you! I'm so excited to get a facial and get my White Trash hair did!!!!!!
Dear next two weeks,
I think you are going to be GREAT and relaxing and I intend to enjoy your peace and quiet to the max!
Dear Mean Girls,
You gave me the stinky eye all night..... do I even know you??? If you want to sit there and stare and talk to about me next time come on over and I will be more then happy to join in. Please and thank you.
Dear Carvers,
I'm glad we reconnected last night I had a blast and will be back shortly ;)
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Summer Cofessions
Summer Confessions
- I must confess that this summer has been been liberated and frustrating at the same time!
- I must confess that I have made improvements in almost every area this year and I intend to keep pushing forward.
- I must confess that I have felt more like more old self this summer
- I must confess that the begining of the summer was almost more fun then I have had in years ;)
- I must confess at times this summer I have been jealous of people that have gotten married and/or have kids, but then at times I'm more then happy to be able to do me whenever needed.
- I must confess that I have finally found the path I want to take and I'm hoping that it finds me the happiness I know I deserve
- I must confess that I have found it hard sometimes to believe that karma really exists but I know that even if it doesn't when I stand at those gates I can know that I was a good person.
- I must confess I wish I could tape certain people and play their actions back to them, only then may they see what the whole world already sees.
- I must confess that I'm sure people might say the same for me ;)
- I must confess that I had the best time ever at one of my bestest friends in the worlds weddings this summer!
- I must confess that I had a blast seeing old friends that I haven't seen forever!
Friday, July 20, 2012
Friday Letters
Dear Life, I'm very excited about the route I have decided to take with you. I hope that everything I think I can accomplish is what will really happen! Lets make this work out, sound good?
Dear Bank accounts, I know that I was on vacation last week and that you are struggling however after next week of h*ll and the new addition at home we should be back on track if not more by next week ;)
Dear Fur babies, Mommy loves the two of you to pieces and has loved all the extra time with you and I'm sad that next week will not be that way :(
Dear Next Week, Please Please Please be kind to me! With 65+ hours in six days I will barley be alive come Sunday and I hope that you will help me make it through.
Dear Cousins, I'm so happy that I got to spend some time with you this week! Thanks for coming up and visiting!
Dear Colorado, You are so peaceful and I look back and think how nice it was to just stop for a week.
Dear Bank accounts, I know that I was on vacation last week and that you are struggling however after next week of h*ll and the new addition at home we should be back on track if not more by next week ;)
Dear Fur babies, Mommy loves the two of you to pieces and has loved all the extra time with you and I'm sad that next week will not be that way :(
Dear Next Week, Please Please Please be kind to me! With 65+ hours in six days I will barley be alive come Sunday and I hope that you will help me make it through.
Dear Cousins, I'm so happy that I got to spend some time with you this week! Thanks for coming up and visiting!
Dear Colorado, You are so peaceful and I look back and think how nice it was to just stop for a week.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
If you really knew me.....
I have read a couple of these this week and really love this idea so here goes!
If you really knew me.....
- You would know that I can sing almost any song however would not be able to tell you who sings 95% of them
- You'd think I'm nuts half the time when it comes to dogs. I drive people I'm with nuts having to touch every dog I come in connect with
- That I change my mind everyday on what I would actually like to do with the rest of my life
- You would know that I fight to not be overwhelmed everyday
- You would know that I think the world of my parents and everything they have given up for us girls
- You would know that I love watching soap operas
- You'd know that I dance randomly at any moment
- You would know that I don't like to stay mad
- You would know that I still sometimes find it hard to believe that my GG is passed.
- You would know that I sing Christmas songs all through the year ;)
Friday, June 29, 2012
Friday Letters
Dear Blog, I haven't written much b/c Ive been working my little tail off!
Dear Colorado Springs, I have been praying for you all week and I hope that everyone is OK and that when we arrive for my love's wedding next week that she can have the day she dreamed of.
Dear Life, SLOW DOWN. Its like I blink and 2 months have passed!
Dear Vacations, You start next week and I'm so excited to be actually traveling again. Please be as much fun as I hope you will be.
Dear Saturday, I plan to soak you in as much as possible since you are my only day to get things done! I hope to clean, workout, shop, lay out, attend the baby shower, cook with friends, and attend the K9 pool bash......wait shouldn't I relax on a day off! NAH!
Dear Birthday, I can't wait to celebrate you and lie to everyone and tell them I'm 29 ;)
Dear Colorado Springs, I have been praying for you all week and I hope that everyone is OK and that when we arrive for my love's wedding next week that she can have the day she dreamed of.
Dear Life, SLOW DOWN. Its like I blink and 2 months have passed!
Dear Vacations, You start next week and I'm so excited to be actually traveling again. Please be as much fun as I hope you will be.
Dear Saturday, I plan to soak you in as much as possible since you are my only day to get things done! I hope to clean, workout, shop, lay out, attend the baby shower, cook with friends, and attend the K9 pool bash......wait shouldn't I relax on a day off! NAH!
Dear Birthday, I can't wait to celebrate you and lie to everyone and tell them I'm 29 ;)
Friday, June 15, 2012
Friday Letters
Dear Life,
I'm struggling with you right now and I'm not sure why. I want to continue to be a good person however sometimes you really make me want to cross that thin line.
Dear Heart,
Please help me continue to believe in the good in people and stay the person I am.
Dear Friends,
I miss you :( I work so much but I'm working toward my goals and starting to make them happen! I can't wait for Denver, Camping and DC!
Dear Tank,
I love that we have had some time together lately! Your back to being my happy puppy!
I'm struggling with you right now and I'm not sure why. I want to continue to be a good person however sometimes you really make me want to cross that thin line.
Dear Heart,
Please help me continue to believe in the good in people and stay the person I am.
Dear Friends,
I miss you :( I work so much but I'm working toward my goals and starting to make them happen! I can't wait for Denver, Camping and DC!
Dear Tank,
I love that we have had some time together lately! Your back to being my happy puppy!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
I'm blank because
I'm afraid because....
I think too much about the what if's
I worry that I will not accomplish my dreams
I fear sickness
I'm weird because...
I eat sour cream with everything
I forget what I'm saying mid sentence
I laugh randomly out loud b/c I think of funny things that have happened
I'm a bad friend because...
I don't call as much as I should
I bail on things if I'm too tired
I talk about myself too much
I get jealous
I'm a good friend because...
I will stand by you
I will let you come back even if you disappear
I will stand up for you
I will listen
I'm sad because...
I don't get enough family time
I don't get enough fur baby time
I don't stick to working out
I'm happy because....
for the most part I have the old me back
I'm working hard and accomplishing the things I want
I have great friends that stick by me and love me for who I am
I'm excited because....
I have been crossing things off my bucket list like mad
I have three trips planned in the 5 months (I never go anywhere)
My grandpa and grandma are coming to visit me
I get to see one of my sisters from another mister marry her soul mate in less then a month!
Friday, June 1, 2012
Friday Letters
Dear DP&L~ I didn't mean to pay you that much today! $525.00 is a lot to pay and I need you to call me back ASAP so that we can fix this!
Dear April~ Thank you for the Hot Choc today I really needed it after last night.
Dear Life~ You must think I like drama and problems, however you are wrong! Please take you problems and shove them where the sun doesn't shine ;) Please and thank you.
Dear Timberlodge~ I hate you! I don't hate many things but you are on the top of my list that is not very long. I pay my dues every month and keep to myself! Karma is a bitch and one day you will get yours.
Dear Friend~ Your sorry is a little to late. When I told myself it was your last chance I meant it. I'm not going to be the this girl anymore that just lets everyone in my life whenever they want and is warm and inviting all the time. I wasn't asking for the world just for you to be a true person.
Dear Fur Babies~ Thank you both for being around me last night and the puppy kisses :)
Dear April~ Thank you for the Hot Choc today I really needed it after last night.
Dear Life~ You must think I like drama and problems, however you are wrong! Please take you problems and shove them where the sun doesn't shine ;) Please and thank you.
Dear Timberlodge~ I hate you! I don't hate many things but you are on the top of my list that is not very long. I pay my dues every month and keep to myself! Karma is a bitch and one day you will get yours.
Dear Friend~ Your sorry is a little to late. When I told myself it was your last chance I meant it. I'm not going to be the this girl anymore that just lets everyone in my life whenever they want and is warm and inviting all the time. I wasn't asking for the world just for you to be a true person.
Dear Fur Babies~ Thank you both for being around me last night and the puppy kisses :)
Friday, May 25, 2012
Friday Letters
Dear Work~ You have been NUTS! But the days sure do fly by.
Dear Ex~ Get a clue! Don't preach about things you don't do yourself. I don't listen to your rambling b/c I know its all BS.
Dear Friend~ I'm still not sure about you but I'll see over the next week if you are worthy of me sticking around. Get over it already and be real.
Dear fur babies~ I heart you so much and will miss you while I'm away this weekend. Tank be good for Julia xoxo
Dear Cleveland~ I will see you in less then 24hrs. Lets make it fun!
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