Hi there! Its been a while since I have written! So many things have changed since the last time I wrote.

First there is just me now instead of us. I have enrolled back in school and I'm almost done with my first quarter with straight A's!

I have put the condo on the market and I'm looking to just rent a smaller apartment that I can keep up with. Traveling is back on my list of must do's and I am looking to go to Cali this summer to see some of my fav's and I am absolutely stoked about it. Can I sleep until August please! Until then its school and work and dance for me. 
I have started to cook at home now instead of eating out and again this year April and I are giving up fast food for lint. Since it starts tomorrow I needed to fill up with as much McD's as I could so we went there for lunch .....hey its fat Tuesday so might as well live it up we got cup cakes from GiGi's in Beaver creek too!
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