Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday Letters

Dear Robyn,
Thank you for tricking me into running Wednesday night.  Even though I'm sore and have a blood blister at the end of my toe it was much needed and I love you ;)

Dear Fall,
I heart you and love that its almost that time of year! I can't wait to go to every haunted hayride possible!

Dear Fur-babies,
I love you two so much! Six mommy is sorry you are in so much pain. 

Dear Closets,
I hate you and I know that I need to tackle you can clean you out but i just can't get the courage to take on such a chore. 

Dear Saturday,
Hurry up and come and then go very slow!  I plan to sleep in, run, and OSU FOOTBALL it up! Go Bucks :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

So What!.....

  • So what if I enjoyed every minute of my pamper afternoon yesterday and didn't regret it one bit!
  • So what if I check my bank account three times a day like it is going to change?!?!?!? Hey you never know when someone might secretly deposit thousands of dollars right :)
  • So what if I am supposed to clean out my closets tonight but feel like doing absolutely nothing instead!
  • So what if sometimes I just want to slap people silly but smile instead. In the end it makes me the better person.... at least I want to think that.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Pampering and The List

Some people think facials and getting your nails and hair done are just material things that are a waste of money.  To me they are necessary.  Sometimes you just feel in the dumps.  As you know from this post schedules-bills-and-pups that has been me the last week or so.  A change is sometimes necessary and sometimes you can't change something major but you can cut your hair or get a relaxing spa treatment! And that is exactly what I'm doing after work today!  Soooooo beyond needed and sooooo beyond excited! 

And I have been seeing "the list" going around and thought it would be fun to share a few of mine!
Here is some of my bucket list :)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Schedules, bills and pups

Trying to get organized and not be a procrastinator is not as easy as you would think!  I am really good at waiting til the last minute on things and really bad at writing it down and just doing it right then!  Backwards is what I am good at .... wait maybe that is why I'm dyslexic! 
I have been trying to get so much better at it and while its slowly happening I have times when I become extremely frustrated with myself and just want to quit.  One of my goals is to not eat out and cook more at home.  With that I feel like I have been eating more and with that I feel like I'm not losing weight which is another goal.  Maybe I am just trying to do one to many things at a time.  One thing that I started last week seems to be helping so I thought I would share.

I take a blank piece of paper and write two sections.
1. My to do list for the week.
2. My goals.

I fold it up and put it in my wallet and it makes me feel a little more accountable.  It also makes you feel nice when you can check something off :)

With only having one day off I didn't really accomplish everything I could have done yesterday and maybe that is why I'm feeling a little off today.  But instead I took a little time to myself in the morning and curled up next door, since I discovered AT&T does not carry the Hallmark channel boo, and watched a feel good movie :) And also was joined by these too..... they love lazy days

Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday Letter's

Dear Weekend,
You are not much of a weekend this weekend but I intend to soak up Sunday with all I have by laying by the pool and frying!
Dear Next week,
 I can't wait for you! I'm so excited to get a facial and get my White Trash hair did!!!!!! 
Dear next two weeks, 
 I think you are going to be GREAT and relaxing and I intend to enjoy your peace and quiet to the max!
Dear Mean Girls, 
You gave me the stinky eye all night..... do I even know you??? If you want to sit there and stare and talk to about me next time come on over and I will be more then happy to join in. Please and thank you.
Dear Carvers,
I'm glad we reconnected last night I had a blast and will be back shortly ;)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Summer Cofessions

Summer Confessions

  • I must confess that this summer has been been liberated and frustrating at the same time!
  • I must confess that I have made improvements in almost every area this year and I intend to keep pushing forward.
  • I must confess that I have felt more like more old self this summer
  • I must confess that the begining of the summer was almost more fun then I have had in years ;)
  • I must confess at times this summer I have been jealous of people that have gotten married and/or have kids, but then at times I'm more then happy to be able to do me whenever needed.
  • I must confess that I have finally found the path I want to take and I'm hoping that it finds me the happiness I know I deserve
  • I must confess that I have found it hard sometimes to believe that karma really exists but I know that even if it doesn't when I stand at those gates I can know that I was a good person.
  • I must confess I wish I could tape certain people and play their actions back to them, only then may they see what the whole world already sees.
  • I must confess that I'm sure people might say the same for me ;)
  • I must confess that I had the best time ever at one of my bestest friends in the worlds weddings this summer!
  • I must confess that I had a blast seeing old friends that I haven't seen forever!

My Other Business
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