Tuesday, November 22, 2011

{twenty-five} Meet Me

I am my mothers first born however I am a middle child
I eat, sleep and breath animals but mostly dogs
We have secret friends at work and I got a dog frame and put this picture in it 
and now when I look over all I want to do is go home!
My sisters have ALOT of kids which makes me an Aunt to many! 
I'm not much of a cook, however I am trying more and more
I haven't driven a car that was actually mine in three years and I'm looking forward to getting my own but not the payment.
I work for a company that sells beer but I don't drink that often.
I take my dog to daycare.  He repays me by sleeping most of the time while he is there.  Thanks $17.00 charge for nothing!
If you are my friend at any point in my life I will consider you a friend for life no matter how long its been since I have seen you.
I don't watch the news.  People are crazy
Christmas is my favorite time a year and I would like it if my living room looked like this
I live by the motto if your going to say own it. 

I worry. And I mean to the point where I make myself sick.  I can't help it no matter how hard I try its just who I am
Now that I'm 29 I will be this age forever that's right folks I'm never getting any older!
I would rather have a few true friends then alot of semi friends.
I think every night about how I'm going to get up earlier and work out. And every morning I think that it can wait till tomorrow!
I think that my bank account might change and suddenly have loads of money ;) so I check it aleast five times a day!
I hate math and math hates me its truly the reason I do not have a college degree.
I will be going back to school next year.
This is proving to be harder then I thought lol
I sometimes go to the movies alone which is interesting b/c I will not go to a restaurant alone.
I sing in the car at the top of my lungs and dance even when alone!
I have to hear from my mom or dad at least once a day
When I was a kid I couldn't stay away from home b/c I thought my family was going to leave me.
The future scares me.

What Twenty-five things should I know about you?
Link up with Erin and tell us :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday

Linking up with The Little Things we Do ...here

1. A nervous habit I have is very strange but I smell erasers, I think it comes from growing up overseas and all of their erasers smell yummy!

2. Something that makes me sad is how much people in this world seem to not care for each other.
3. Today I am thankful for my doggies I love them so very much and they make me feel loved at night.
4. My favorite room in my house is my bedroom.  It is so comfy!
5. I can't stand rude people that only care about themselves! Come on people we are all human!

6. If I had an extra $100 to spend on whatever I wanted today I would go be selfish and get a massage!
7. The last person I hung out with was Amanda, Robin and Ben (and the dogs of course since she was so nice to watch my little man til almost 10PM) at Robin's last night after a very long day!

10 Day You Challenge and a random note!

Three Films... Now this is hard because I'm a movie junkie! But here goes

#3.  Dirty Dancing
#2.  Forrest Gump
#1.  My Girl

I know they are all older but I could watch them over and over again!

On a funnier Friday note! My friend April here at work likes to call me Trex b/c lets face it I'm really tall and she is really short :)  Today I saw this on someones blog and almost fell over so I had to share Enjoy!

Happy Friday everyone!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

10 Day You Challenge

Hey there!  Missed yesterday due to working both jobs! Blah!  But here is my four

4.  Kendra Sliding into Home (I will admit I read this in three days!)
3.  Heaven is Real
2.  Chicken Soup for Pet Lovers
1.  Self Care for Life

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

10 Day You Challenge

Five foods!  Some of the past post of this challenge have actually been a little hard however if you know me you know that I live for love food so as you could probably guess I have more then five foods that I love, however I will give you my top 5!

5.  Mac and Cheese
4. Cheesy puffs
3. Sweet and Sour chicken
2. Grilled Cheese
1. J. Alexander's House salad

Monday, November 14, 2011

10 Day You Challenge

Hey everyone I worked all day yesterday BOO! so I missed my entry.  So today you get two!

First: Seven Wants
7.  A family
6.  To move out of my complex b/c ppl that live there are hateful
5. For my oldest fur baby to get better so I can enjoy her longer
4.  To loose more weight :)
3.  To become debt free
2.  To have a doggy daycare
1.  To be happy and content

Second: Six Places
6.  Japan- Love it you really should put this on your bucket list
5.  Home
4.  Dog park
3. Parents
2.  Sugarcreek ;)
1.  TN

Saturday, November 12, 2011

10 Day You Challenge

8.  Being Alone
7.  Losing loved ones
6.  Not being fully happy
5.  Spiders
4.  Not being accepted
3.  Running out of Time
2.  Being successful
1.  Losing my parents

Friday, November 11, 2011

10 Day You Challenge Day 9

All the different seasons... I know alot of people pick one season that is their fav, however I just like all of them for different reasons. That's why I like Ohio you can have a touch of each season.

Work... crazy I know but I love to work I normally have two to three jobs at a time.  I just feel lazy if I'm not working!  I think I might need my head checked!

The dog park.  If it wasn't for the dog park I feel like I wouldn't get any sleep.  I also wouldn't have met some of the most wonderful people I know.

Health. Through the past few years we my dad has gone through so much but has always pushed through it and made it seem like it wasn't that big of a deal. Thanks for making it seem that way Dad and trying to make it as easier on us even though that was not your job but ours.

Friends. New and old. This past year has been rough and that's putting it lightly.  So many people have stuck by my side and I have never felt so warm inside to know that its going to be OK no matter what happens.

Roofs.  Your probably thinking roofs WTF lol.  but I am thankful to have a roof over everyones heads that I love.  The economy is hard and making your bills seems harder everyday.  So I am thankful that though it has hit the people I love where it hurts that they all still have everything that they need :)

Music.  Nothing is better then music. When your in a good mood or a bad mood music can help you.  I'm not sure I could survive without it :) OK I could but I wouldn't be very happy

Dogs.  All dogs really I'm obsessed but you already knew that if you know me.  But my dogs are my fav (of course right!) I love them like their were my children and they mean the world to me as I do to them and its nice

Family.  My family is a crazy one! We fight we laugh we cry. But no matter what we Love. I wouldn't change them for the world.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

10 Day Challenge....Day One

I wanted to do something fun on my blog so here goes a 10 day you Challenge....

I grew up in Japan and loved it and had an irrational fear that we couldn't come back to the US without being shot on the street b/c the news portrays the US so bad

B/c of 10 I hate watching the news and even though I record it every night I barley watch it....... EVER~

I would love to have my very own Dog Daycare

I wish that I had never given up running

I hate where I live.... not my condo but the neighbors

If I'm bored I check FB over and over like something is going to change

I talk to my animals like they might actually one day start responding

I sometimes feel like I need to do something more meaningful in my life.  What I have no clue

I don't get mad  very often however if you push just right I can act like a nut :)

I still wish I lived next door to my parents

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What I'm Loving....

Today is a day of Loving and there is a lot of stuff to be loving today :)
I'm loving the fact that I don't work tonight and after my day job I am free to go shopping with April!
I'm loving the fact that I get to bring home my oldest baby today from my parents, who have been taking excellent care of her for me, but I will be glad to have her tail wagging when I walk in the door. 
I'm thankful for the fact that I have nothing that I have to do tonight so I can just let things fall into place! and that this will most likely be taking place

Most of all I'm thankful for my friends and family :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving

I know we are on Day 4 already however I'm a little behind!  I have been doing this on FB but not on my blog..... So here goes!

Day #4: I'm thankful for my parents, Ashley Taylor, April Dunlevy-Vogt and Twin Maples Vet Hospital for helping Six get through this rough time.

Meet Six, she is a rescue from the local ASPCA.  I have had her for 8yrs now and she has been a great daughter!  She is getting old and having some hard times and I am thankful for those around me that help me in anyway they can to relieve some of my worry and stress.  I love you baby girl, you will always be my baby.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Its OK Thursday

1.  that I wish I wasn't at work today and instead just at home in bed watching T.V.
2.  that I was super excited today when I fit into the pants that I bought month ago that were just a little to tight
3.  That today is a day where I'm feeling a little hopeless but hey not everyday can be a great day
4.  That I ate Steak n Shake for lunch and its not as good as you remember it being when your drunk :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What I'm Loving

This post may be hard b/c I'm not really loving much this week.  But at an attempt to make myself feel better here goes :)

1.  Great Sayings from Pinterest

2.  My old lady that is not feeling good and is one of the loves of my life

My Other Business

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