Friday, May 27, 2011
Crazy Dog!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Its Raining Golf Balls
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Lets Get Away
I got to see my grandparents while I was there :)

And eat a whole lot!
Besides the trip everything has been a whirl wind! Dance had clinics and tryouts and then officer tryouts and we have a new team for next year! Officer is always hard b/c you know the girls on a personal level and want everyone to have everything they want which is impossible to achieve :( So you always have a broken heart of two!
Along with that Steve VanGoder is trying to win man of the year for the Cancer Society and since its the same cancer that as hit our family I have been behind him 100%. Our first event was on Friday at Steve's house and was a Monte Carlo theme. I forgot to take pictures :( but the night was a blast! I haven't drank more then a beer in a very long time so getting up and moving Saturday was not easy! What happened to those 20 something days were I was up and at the gym the next day ??? Oh Well!
Well I better get back to working :) See you soon!